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New realities in the war between Israel and Hamas

  • 5 June 2024

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The political processes in the Middle East have become more tense. The Israeli side claims to have completely defeated Hamas in the Rafah clashes that have been going on for more than two weeks. However, the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip has created a policy against Israel in many countries. The US also accuses Israel of not having a military plan. One of the main issues at the moment is the incident between the Egyptian and Israeli armies, which does not bode well for the Middle East. Egypt, like Israel, has blockaded its border with Gaza since Hamas came to power in 2006. Hamas is an offshoot of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, which is banned in Egypt as a terrorist organization. However, Egypt keeps channels open with Hamas and has mediated indirect talks between Israel and the group to reach a ceasefire agreement and the release of Israeli hostages. Hamas in Gaza. I should also mention that Egypt was the first country to sign a peace treaty with Israel. Such events between Egypt and Israel are rare. Can Egypt be against Israel now?

a) I think it is possible if it is made possible by the arms and political support of a great power to Egypt. The opening of Front two does not help Israel at the moment. There are also actions against the government. Besides the US, China and Russia also have interests in the Middle East.

b) Another point is that Egypt’s relations with Hamas are not good. At the moment, Egypt is not a country that can act as a policeman in the region. However, if it receives help from the big powers, various incidents could occur. Israel is continuing the war. To completely defeat Hamas would take time and great power. In addition to Hamas, Hezbollah is also a threat to Israel. I believe that Israel has plans for Hezbollah.

There has also been a recent increase in US pressure on Israel. In my opinion, the US wants to end the war in the region. But the Netanyahu government does not agree. Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is a coalition. There is some disagreement within the coalition. Two of the parties have expressed support for the ceasefire policy proposed by the United States. As expected, Netanyahu’s far-right coalition partners – Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir – immediately rejected the new ceasefire plan at the end of Shabbat on Saturday night and threatened to resign if it continued. As you can see, the processes taking place in the Middle East are of a more complex nature. As the war between Israel and Hamas continues, new political conflicts may emerge in the region.


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